Girl Scout Camping Rules

Here are the rules you’ll want to review with each Girl Scout before campouts so each scout knows what is expected of them, and what can happen if the rules are broken.  It’s broken down by Camp Rules and Tent Rules.

Camp Rules

  • Do not go anywhere alone. Always have at least one buddy and an adult with you at all times.
  • Closed toe shoes and socks must be worn at all times, except inside your tent.
  • Campsite must be kept neat and tidy at all times. you are responsible for cleaning up after yourself and throwing away your trash.
  • Patrols must do their jobs in a ahppy and timely manner. There is no whining.
  • Every girl must do her best to get along with each and every girl; arguing and leaving someone out will not be tolerated.
  • Help others at all times, and be a good friend.
  • The privilege of carring a flashlight must be respected, or you put your flashlight away.
  • We will not share scary stories, have negative food comments, or complain about anything.
  • You will follow the leaders’ instructions always.

Tent Rules

  • Respect the tent and each other’s belongings.
  • Each person sleeps in their assigned place. No sharing sleeping bags.
  • No shoes in the tent.
  • No gum, candy, or food of any kind in the tent.
  • No drinks other than water bottles in tents.
  • Always use the zipper to pull open and close the tent doors and windows. Do not pull the flaps.
  • Always zip the door closed every time you enter and exit the tent.
  • Sleeping nags must be rolled up each morning, and belongings must be put away neatly.
  • Not talking in tents after silent time has been announced. Let your friends go to sleep.
  • No aerosol sprays in or near the tents.
  • Clean out and sweep the tent completely before putting it away safely and neatly.
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