Babies and Dads Skit

Taking place in a waiting room at a hospital, you’ll need 4 people for this skit.  This is an easy skit to remember for younger children.

Skit Cast

Doctor and three Dads (Thompson, Smith, and Smart)

Skit Setting

Hospital Waiting Room

The Skit

Doctor: Mr. Thompson, congratulations!  You’re the proud father of twins!

Thompson: What a coincidence!  I come from Two Mountains!

A Little While Later…the doctor comes back out.

Doctor: Mr. Smith, you now have triplets!

Smith: That’s quite astonishing!  I come from Three Rivers!

Third father faints; the doctor revives him.

Doctor: Mr. Smart!  What’s wrong?  Your wife hasn’t even given birth yet!

Smart:  I’m from Thousand Islands!

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